Harmony in Health, Strength in Balance
Established in 2014, offering one stop wellness solutions to corporate and community with a holistic approach, helping you, your family and your organisation make sustainable lifestyle changes.
Our Mission and Vision
At BALANCE, we believe that a healthy workforce is a productive workforce. Our mission is to help organisations promote employee wellbeing through customised Corporate Wellness Programs. Our vision is to inspire individuals to adopt healthy habits and lead fulfilling lives.
Our Services
Customise Your Package To Suit Your Needs

Physical Fitness
Aerobic Group Class Exercises
Fitness Focus Groups
Physical Fitness, Body Composition & Biometric Assessment
Consultation & Sharing Sessions

Physical Therapy
Physiotherapy & Mobility Exercises
Functional Movement Screening
Ergonomics Corrective Action
Consultation & Sharing Sessions

Mental Wellbeing
Consultation & Counselling
Talk & Sharing Sessions
Mental Health Element Hands-on Workshops
Health Events & Team Building
Custom Full/Half Day Wellness Packages
Art & Lifestyle Workshops
Space Provision - t(h)ree house
Nutrition & Lifestyle
Guidance on Everyday Eating & Lifestyle Habits
Interactive Activities Promoting Healthy Eating